Refine or Refresh Your Dubsado System in a Day

The 7 hour Day Sesh for Service Providers who want to streamline and elevate their client experience!

Are you fed up with sending out basic forms in Dubsado?


Do you want to have an onboarding process that is smoother than the locals chat up lines?

🍸 You’re frustrated seeing all of these gorgeous branded Dubsado forms but have NO idea where to start?

🍸 Your onboarding process takes you at least an hour per client as is clunky a/f…

You are ready to give your business a bit of a shake & bring it up to the top shelf next to your 5* service!

Then A Dash of Dubsado is exactly what you need to get there!

Pick Your Poison

Simple Workflow Setup

for new or existing Dubsado Users

Simple Workflow Design for one main service with a straight forward client journey.

This is for you if:

👉🏻 You want to automate your enquiry and onboarding process
👉🏻 You have a simple enquiry process (eg, enquire / book a call, proposal, invoice, contract, welcome document)
👉🏻 You want to increase your capacity, but currently your onboarding process takes too long.

Form Makeover

for existing Dubsado Users Only

Custom Coded Design for up to 30 forms, questionnaires, proposals, contracts.

This is for you if:

👉🏻 You are already happy with the functionality of your Dubsado setup
👉🏻 Your workflows are already working hard for you

👉🏻 Your forms look “straight out of the box” and have NO personality..


Pay in Full: £999

3 Month Payment Plan: £350 p/m

Power Hours with Toyah, The Business Bean

Why The Business Bean?

✷ I’ve been there and done it! Everything I know is through my own personal experience and is completely self taught!

✷ My clients have ranged from brand new businesses right through to multi 6 figure business owners.

✷ I have that perfect balance of understanding both tech and design & I bring them together in ways that make sense!

✷ I will help you to understand your systems & empower you to use them for yourself.

✷ I really give a sh*t about your businesses success & treat it like my own.

✷ After 16 years in hospitality - customer service is my jam!